Our Top Tips for Planning your Christmas Party
Organising the annual Christmas party can be a daunting task, so let us help take away some of the stress, by following our top tips!
Expect the Unexpected!
As much as you plan ahead, there will always be something that throws you off guard, whether it be the CEO suddenly deciding to make a speech between courses, or a vegetarian guest who hadn’t told you they were vegetarian. The key here is communication. Check with the CEO before the event if he or she would like to make a speech, and when. From a catering point of view, a surprise speech between starter and main course has the potential to impact service, so ensure they are aware of the best time to make their speech, having first checked with the caterers.
Any good caterer will always ensure they have a few spare vegetarian dishes on standby, so it’s always a good idea to confirm this will be the case beforehand, so you can relax and know any surprises will be covered on the night, if need be.
Stick to Deadlines
Whether it be self-imposed deadlines, or those from your venue or caterer, avoid last minute panics by ensuring you have all of your final information organised to ensure deadlines are met. If you have this earlier, then great! That way, any issues can be ironed out ahead of time, to leave you to relax in the run up and focus on any last minute loose ends to tie up.
No Question is a Silly Question
You will likely have what seem like thousands of phone calls and meetings with your venue and caterers in the run up to your event, but it is key that this happens to ensure everyone is on the same page. What may feel like a silly question can often lead onto a larger topic, and ultimately ensure that everything is as you imagined on the night.
Yes, we know the logistics of the event aren’t necessarily the most exciting part of planning your event, but they are vital just the same. Table plans, timings and everything in between can be advised upon by your venue and caterer as to what will work best, so never be afraid to ask advice and run ideas past us – after all, that is what we are here for!